Mission's Highlight
Baptist Evangelical Missionary Association (BEMA)
Mini Crusade (Tent Meeting) in Myladikara Area -
October -1,2,3 - Six Churches around the Myladikara area are planning to conduct an open air Tent meeting in a village in Myladikara. We have asked a person in that village to allow his home and front area to conduct the 3 days meeting. We will be renting chairs and a PA system. I need to rent a Tent to put in front of his house because of the rain. Please pray for these meetings - the village we are conducting the meetings needs your prayers. There are many lost souls who need the Saviour. many broken families, many youth are under the influence of Drugs and Alcohol. People need the Lord. Pray that many will receive Christ as their personal Saviour.
One Day Youth Rally -
On October 2nd, on behalf of our Youth Ministry we are conducting a One Day Seminar in the Myladikakara area. Our youth department has been working hard with the arrangements of the program. We will have the Preaching, Counseling section and games and other activities for the youth who participate. We are preparing for 100 youths. Pray that these meetings will be a blessing and Many will receive Christ as their personal Saviour.
All Night Prayer At Moolakayam Church -
We had an "All Night Prayer" in Moolakayam. Pastors and members from several churches in the area were able to attend the prayer meeting. It was a blessing and we were able to pray for the Gosplization in India, presenting of the gospel and for many Souls, Different Ministries and the works, for the supporting individuals and churches and for the different needs of the ministry.
- In the Kannam area we had open air meetings. able to distribute tracts and bibles. conducted many open air meetings. pastors and believers in the area attended. Thank the Lord for the many souls saved.
- Our Gospel Team is on the move every week reaching many villages, passing out tracts and Bibles, conducting open air meetings and sharing the gospel to many. Our Team is invited to Ayarkunnam - to a low cast colony, to present the Gospel. The last time our team came to a nearby village a man got angry and came out of his house with a knife and swearing. We had to pack and move away because he was a prominent Hindu leader.
- Pray for our Children's Club in different places- a great way to reach the whole family. Just in Pampady we had 2 families join the church because of our Children's ministry. Thank the Lord to our dedicated believers for their desire to see these young children trained and grown up in the Word of God.
Prayers for the Upcoming Meetings:
Teen and Youth Camp - We are Planning to conduct a youth and teen camp in the month of December 25, 26, 27. Our church property is not capable of holding that many people for a 3 day camp. Therefore we are praying about renting a place for the 3 day camp. We need to raise the funds for the rent, PA systems, food and other needs related to the Camp ministry. Please pray for camp - if you are able to come and participate or preach please let me know. I am also in need of buying some stuff for the games and activities.
Annual Tent Revival in Pampady - we are also making the preparation for our annual tent revival meetings in the month of February. pray for the preparation
Bible College Graduation - Our Bible college graduation is in the first week of March. If you are able to come and be our guest speaker it will be a blessing and please let me know. (March 5-7)
Vacation Bible School - Please pray for the vacation Bible School ministries in the months of April and May. We need to buy gifts for the kid's those who participate. Last year we were able to help them with some books for the schools. Pray for the churches that are planning to conduct the vacation bible school this year. Through our vacation Bible school ministries we were able to see hundreds of kids receiving Christ as their personal Saviour. Please pray for the lesson preparation and other works related to our VBS ministries.
Special Prayer Request:
1. Pray for me as I represent the ministry and for some meetings to present the work.
2. Pray for Shinni (Pastor Jomon's Wife) - she got sick all of a sudden and the doctors are trying to find the cause of the sickness.
3. Two of our young children are under dialysis and the young is now in a critical condition. They are a very poor family - the father had a bypass surgery recently and is not able to work. The mother is the only one able to look after the family. Our youth group has collected some money for the family.
4. pray for 3 churches in need of Land and building. In Ayamkoodi we urgently need to find a place. The church has been meeting in rented places for a long time and the church looks forward to having a land and building.
5. I am also praying that the land next to us is on a sale. Our church campus is very small and with all the other ministries we were unable to accommodate all the people in the campus. We had to move the children and the orphanage from campus because of the limited spaces. If we are able to buy the land next to us, we will have enough space for the children's ministry, Bible college ladies dorms, kitchen area and also space for other activities. pray that we will be able to buy that land for the ministry. The land will cost $80,000.
6. Continue to pray for our registration work and the government to grant all the necessary paper.
7. pray for our weekly outreach with the different ministries. We were able to see 26 people get saved through our different ministries.
Thank you for your prayers and support. May God bless you all.
Robinson Thomson
Biblical Baptist Church
Pampady P.O. Box-12
Kottayam, Kerala,
INDIA - 686502